Israel fights deep in Gaza, talks over release of up to 15 hostages | Defense News

Of all the talents bestowed upon men, none is so precious as the gift of oratory,” wrote Winston Churchill. “He who enjoys it wields a power more durable than that of a great king.”

Churchill, considered one of the greatest English orators of all time,  wrote those words when he was but 22, long before he delivered speeches as prime minister that contributed enormously to Britain’s victory over Hitler in World War II.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who over his long career has taken much inspiration from Churchill – critics say he has often fashioned himself as the British wartime leader’s modern-day Israeli incarnation – is also considered a great orator in both English and Hebrew.

He understands the potency of a well-crafted speech and, like Churchill, often dedicates himself to meticulous speech-writing, even making handwritten annotations until the last minute. Netanyahu understands not only the importance of using crisp language with powerful imagery but also the power of dramatic pauses and rhythm in his oratory.

For political leaders, there are no times more crucial to muster their rhetorical prowess than during periods of war. This is when words have the power to fortify resolve, unite the nation, and inspire the troops.

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