Nuclear arms should be part of EU defense debate – DW – 04/29/2024

President Emmanuel Macron said on Sunday that France is “ready to contribute more to the defense of Europe.”

In an interview published in several French newspapers Macron said France’s nuclear weapons could be part of a common European defense strategy. 

It is the second time in recent days where Macron has expressed France’s readiness to get more involved. On Thursday, Macron called called for a “credible” European defense strategy.

What did Macron say about nuclear weapons?

France’s doctrine has been to only use nuclear weapons when the country’s vital interests are threatened. But Macron said he was open to give a more “European dimension” to these interests.

“I am ready to open this debate which must include anti-missile defense, long-range capabilities, and nuclear weapons for those who have them or who host American nuclear armaments,” he said in his remarks to French regional press group EBRA.

“Let us put it all on the table and see what really protects us in a credible manner,” he added.

Paris will “maintain its specificity but is ready to contribute more to the defense of Europe.”

Macron calls for European defense strategy: DW’s Lisa Louis

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How did French politicians react?

Macron’s remarks drew criticism from his opponents ahead of the upcoming EU elections in June.

European lawmaker Francois-Xavier Bellamy, who will lead right-wing party LR into the EU vote, described the comments as “exceptionally serious.”

“We are touching the nerve of French sovereignty,” he said in an interview on Europe 1 radio station.

Far-left French lawmaker Bastien Lachaud said France’s nuclear deterrent “cannot be shared.” 

“Under the guise of defending European soil, Macron wants to liquidate France’s strategic autonomy,” Lachaud said. 

Far-right European lawmaker Thierry Mariani, who is a member of Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National (RN), accused Macron of “becoming a national danger.” 

fb/jsi (AFP, Reuters) 

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