Police arrest 21 people in Thessaloniki after attack on trans youths

Police arrested 21 individuals for attacking two transgender people late on Saturday in the northern port city of Thessaloniki, including 11 minors who were later released under orders of a prosecutor. 

They are facing charges of serial verbal abuse with racist motives, while two of the adults were additionally charged with attempted serial simple bodily harm, with racist motives.

According to local news site thestival.gr, the incident unfolded at around 10.30 p.m. on Aristotelous Square, the most central part of Thessaloniki, when a mob of about 100 individuals verbally assaulted and pursued the two individuals, aged 21, who sought refuge in a nearby eatery for safety. The assailants then gathered outside the establishment, continuing their harassment. 

Although bottles were thrown at the victims upon leaving the venue, no injuries were reported. Videos of the incident posted on social media show shocked patrons in packed cafes around the square watching a mob of youths shouting abuse towards the victims, who are not visible.

When police arrived, officers detained 25 people, 21 of whom were later arrested, including 11 minors and 10 adults.

The case is being handled by Thessaloniki Police Department’s Racist Violence Response Unit.

The attack comes just weeks after the Greek Parliament passed a law on marriage equality, while Thessaloniki is slated to host EuroPride in June, a pan-European event dedicated to LGBT community.

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