
Serenade of the Skies: Stargazing in Morocco | Science and Technology

Rania traces stars at the Oukaimeden observatory in Morocco’s mountains and shares their beauty with villagers below. The stars in the night skies above Oukaimeden, a remote village in the mountains of Morocco, are a stunning sight to behold. Rania Abdelmoutalib is a PhD student and member of Stargazers of Marrakesh, who volunteers at the […]

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Could Florida’s social media ban for children take hold elsewhere? | Technology

State’s governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican, enacts the strictest measures yet in the United States. A new law in Florida will restrict or ban children from social media. Supporters say it gives minors much-needed protection. But it is opposed by tech corporations, and free speech and privacy advocates. So what are the arguments for and

Could Florida’s social media ban for children take hold elsewhere? | Technology Read More »

Lisbon’s Mayor Moedas: Leading the city’s rise as a global innovation hub | Technology

Carlos Moedas on making Portugal’s capital an entrepreneurship centre amid a national political crisis. Lisbon, famed for its golden sunsets and cobbled streets, stands rich in history and resilience. It has weathered earthquakes and political and economic turmoil, cultivating a strong spirit. Currently, the city navigates issues like gentrification, a housing crisis and climate threats.

Lisbon’s Mayor Moedas: Leading the city’s rise as a global innovation hub | Technology Read More »

what is 5G Technology benefits ?

New 5G टेक्नोलॉजी social और Daily life में काफी बड़े बदलाव करने में सहायक होगी।  इस टेक्नोलॉजी से जिन क्षेत्रो में बड़े बदलाव होंगे, वो निम्नानुसार है :- Education Security Business  Travel  Modern Technology शिक्षा (Education)  :- 5G टेक्नोलॉजी से शिक्षा भी सुधरेगी, भारत के ग्रामीण क्षेत्रो तक भी तेज गति का इंटरनेट उपलब्ध हो पायेगा।

what is 5G Technology benefits ? Read More »

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