Even opposition now knows it will be ‘400 paar’ for NDA: PM Modi | India News

JHABUA: Prime Minister Modi on Sunday exuded confidence that BJP on its own will win more than 370 seats in the coming Lok Sabha elections.
Addressing at rally at tribal-dominated Jhabua district, Modi said even the opposition now realises the country’s mood and its functionaries have started saying that BJP-led NDA is going to win at least 400 seats. “I have also heard about NDA going to win 400 seats in the general elections, but BJP on its own is going to win more than 370 seats,” Modi said, adding that he is giving a ‘jadi-buti’ (local remedy) to people to help achieve this target.
“You all have to do one thing — take out the number of votes BJP polled in the last three elections and ensure that at least 370 new votes are polled for BJP in the upcoming polls,” he said.Many BJP functionaries in the front row of the public meeting linked the target of 370 seats to the Modi govt’s achievement of nullifying Article 370.
“In the 2023 assembly polls, people of MP sent Congress on leave, and in the 2024 general elections, Congress will get wiped out from the state,” Modi said. “Madhya Pradesh has witnessed two eras — this current era of BJP’s double-engine govt, and the earlier black era of Congress regime. When Congress was in office, MP used to be counted among ‘Bimaru states’,” he added, adding that “loot and ‘phoot’ (divisiveness) are oxygen for Congress”.
“Congress never worried for your villages. It is always worried about its own palace. Congress was apathetic towards developing your areas while we are working hard to fill all the pits they had dug,” Modi said, mentioning BJP govt’s schemes for uplift of tribals. “Tribal community is not a vote bank for BJP. It is the pride of the nation. Tribal community is a guarantee of our country’s bright future, and your respect and development is Modi’s guarantee. It’s Modi’s resolution to fulfil all dreams of tribals,” he added.

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