
Mexico debates a rising political party’s ‘New Deal’ for the poor | Features

Mexico City – The fliers promoting the kickoff rally for Claudia Sheinbaum’s presidential campaign posted an official start time of four in the afternoon, but by 2pm, the main square here in this capital city – popularly known as the Zocalo – was already teeming with thousands of supporters jostling for just a smidgen of […]

Mexico debates a rising political party’s ‘New Deal’ for the poor | Features Read More »

Ptron bassbuds duo tws earbuds launched with music playback time of 15 hours know price and features aaaq

Ptron बासबड्स डुओ TWS को भारत में लॉन्च किया जा चुका है. आपको बता दें कि ये सीरीज़ का लेटेस्ट एडिशन है जिसमें ब्लूटूथ v5.1 की कनेक्टिविटी तो मिलेगी ही साथ में इस ईयरबड्स में टच-इनेबल्डि कंट्रोल फीचर भी दिया गया है. इसमें एक इनबिल्ट एचडी माइक भी है जिसके कॉल एकदम साफ सुनाई देगा.

Ptron bassbuds duo tws earbuds launched with music playback time of 15 hours know price and features aaaq Read More »

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